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₹ 1499

    Course Features

  • Lessons 11
  • Tests 13
  • Duration 180 Days

Course Description

Communicative English Full Course - Seniors'

This communicative English Language course is most advantageous for Professionals in any sector, Teachers, College students and especially housewives - who may be making up their minds for second innings. It has 10 Video Lessons of 600 minutes duration in total. Each lesson has content on concepts, an assessment test, suggested listening skills audio, and a small test based on the audio.

Each lesson consists of a worksheet /worksheets for practicing the concept. We recommend students to complete at least 50% of each exercise for enhancing their confidence in speaking & writing.  How to do the worksheet video is useful to comprehend the process of undertaking exercises efficiently and to get the optimum benefits out of the course. 

Expressions Communicative English Program [Seniors] has captured more than 800 verbs, 3000 words as vocabulary, and also 1000 sentences so that the user can become proficient with the nuances of English. 

पाठ्यक्रम विवरण

कम्युनिकेटिव इंग्लिश फुल कोर्स – सीनियर्स 

कम्युनिकेटिव इंग्लिश का यह कोर्स प्रोफेशनल, टीचर गृहिणियों और कॉलेज स्टुडेंट्स के लिये बनाया गया है. इस कोर्स में 10 वीडियो लेसन्स हैं जिनमें 600 मिनट के वीडियो हैं. कोर्स प्री असेसमेंट टेस्ट के साथ शुरू होता है और पोस्ट असेसमेंट के बाद सर्टिफिकेट के साथ खत्म होता है. कम्युनिकेटिव इंग्लिश फुल कोर्स – सीनियर्स आपको 800 से ज्यादा वर्ब, 3000 की वोकैबलरी और 1000 से ज्यादा वाक्य प्रैक्टिस करवाता है. 

हर लेसन में कंसेप्ट वीडियोस के बाद प्रैक्टिस के लिये वर्कशीट और उत्तर हैं. एक्सप्रेशन्स की ये सलाह है कि वर्कशीट करने बाद आप इस लेसन की एक टेस्ट दीजिये. हर लेसन में लिसनिंग स्किल्स के लिये ऑडियो स्टोरी और उससे जुड़ा एक टेस्ट भी दिया गया है. हम सलाह देते हैं कि आप ये सभी सेक्शन पूरे करें ताकि आपको बेहतरीन नतीजा मिले और कोर्स के अंत में आप फर्राटेदार इंग्लिश बोल पाएं. 


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Course Content

This lesson has foundation concepts, types of sentences, active passive sentences & the use of two verbs in a sentence.

  • Section 1 . Concepts Video Sessions

This lesson teaches the use of V-1, used to, V-2 & V-3 as well as the use of helping verb has have & had.

  • Section 1 . Concepts Video Sessions

This lesson has the concept of negative tag & yes/no interrogatives. It also deals with questions with 5Ws & 2Hs.

  • Section 1 . Concepts Video Sessions

This lesson has the use of different helping verbs & 3rd form of the verb. It also has joiners & use of 'ing' for telling future.

  • Section 1 . Concepts Video Sessions

This lesson describes the negative & yes/no interrogatives with helping verbs & explains the descriptive questions.

  • Section 1 . Concepts Video Sessions

This lesson is the second milestone of the entire course. It explains the use of noun & adjectives after the helping verbs, & use of 'it'.

  • Section 1 . Concepts Video Sessions

This lesson teaches the use of 'there' as well as the use of location after the helping verb.

  • Section 1 . Concepts Video Sessions

This lesson explains the use of has, have & had as the main verbs & their negative, Interrogative with do-does & did.

  • Section 1 . Concepts Video Sessions

This explains the skill of converting Hindi thoughts in different types of English sentences. The lesson focuses on the art of speaking English.

  • Section 1 . Concepts Video Sessions

This lesson explains the use of Modal Verbs like can, could, would like to & may. It also teaches the special use of ‘could’.

  • Section 1 . Concepts Video Sessions

This lesson explains the use of Modal Verbs like 'should', 'have to', 'might have', 'might' & the difference between must & ‘have to’.

  • Section 1 . Concepts Video Sessions


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rohit yadav


Angelina Saldanha

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